It all started in Pauatahanui Village, Aotearoa

Welcome to Zero 6, where the day starts with a bang and a sip of pure bliss. Picture this: it's that magical moment when we roll out of bed, ready to conquer the world. But before we embark on our
adventures, there's one crucial step we never skip—coffee! It's the fuel that powers our joy-filled pursuits.

It all began in the charming Pauatahanui Village, just a hop, skip, and a jump north of Wellington, our specialty coffee roastery boasted a prime spot overlooking the Pauatahanui inlet. We were so close to the water that sometimes the tide sneaks in to say hello at the back of our yard. Rest assured, though, we guard our precious beans like superheroes protecting their secret stash!

But it's not just about the coffee. We're fueled by a burning passion for ethical business practices and a desire to create an extraordinary coffee experience for our clients and fellow coffee aficionados. When you choose Zero 6, you're not just savouring the rich flavours—we've got your back from bean to cup, ensuring that every sip comes with a sprinkle of goodness.

So join us on this caffeinated journey, where mornings are electrifying, and every cup is a taste of happiness. Let's toast to embracing the day with a blend of excitement, a dash of ethics, and a whole lot of flavorful fun. Cheers to making every moment count, one sip at a time!